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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Listening For That Sweet Tune-Chapter 8: A Sight To See Pt. 2

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Previously on Listening For That Sweet Tune:

I backed up a few steps away from the door to push myself against the wall that was on the other side of the hallway. This man could of been the most vilest of creatures to step foot on land. I didn't know what was going to happen but it was going to happen fast—I knew it, my body knew it. My heart started pounding as the suspense continued. It felt as if the doorknob was twisting slower as the seconds went by; I wanted to figure things out but I was sure that this would only complicate things even further.

As the doorknob reached the end of its turn it pushed open gently just enough to crack the door. I stood there for a few seconds, waiting to see if the door would open even further but nothing happened. I began to walk to the door hoping that the threat was all gone but my wishes could never be what can actually happen. I took a few steps closer to the door and it began to open and it creaked every second till it was as far as it could go. I looked inside the apartment to see no one standing on the other side but someone lied on the floor several feet within the room.

There lied the woman that—from what I could figure—I had heard outside prior to where I am now. She was wearing a black coat and was on her side with her back to me. Blood pooled all around her body on top of the wooden floorboards, it couldn't take any longer for anyone to figure out that she truly was dead.

I walked up to the very threshold that separated the hallway from the room and not another inch further. I was skeptical of the vacancy of the room as any other man would so I couldn't find myself to walk in any steps to land me inside. Around a corner and out of my sight, something in the room dinged with a high pitch from when you hit two glass things together. A crashing of various things being broken or shattered followed that but I never heard a grunt to a yell from the person who was doing it.

'Who is in here?' I yelled. Within seconds the noise stopped indefinitely and all was silent. To my left and within the hall a large thump sounded. I looked towards that direction to then hear a swift movement in front of me within the apartment. I turned my head to look at the other noise to be confronted by the man that I could only figure to be the one that has been making all the noise. I couldn't get a very good look at him because within seconds he started to charge directly at me to push me down on the ground and turned to my right—where my room and further down the hall, the elevator. 

I was able to brace myself within seconds of the man colliding with me so the fall wasn't all that detrimental but that doesn't mean I didn't get the wind knocked out of me. It took me a few seconds to collect myself and get up but when I did, the man had already turned into the other hall where the elevator was. I got quickly up to my feet while looking back into the room to see everything as it was before but a bird now stood on top of the body picking at the poor persons open wounds.

It was just a sick animal, savage in every way. I stared at the bird thinking what can compel something to just feast on what was previously living without any remorse. The bird dug down deep into the person’s body cavity to take out a mouthful of bloody strings, which was part of the person’s insides. The bird could have been smiling being granted such a fresh feast; it had no conscious, like everything else in this world. Like everyday people are now becoming the animals—it was sick.

I turned to where the man ran off to, hoping to see him in the distance so I could figure out my next steps. As I passed my room I heard a rustling of movement on the other side of the door alongside with music but before I was able to stop at my doorway I heard a ding on the other side of the hall. It was coming from the elevator and when I reached my gaze to it, the doors of the elevator were closing with the man’s back turned to me.

I turned away from my room to run towards the stairs that were next to the elevator and began my decent down. I was going to head to the main floor, that would only make the most logical sense if you were trying to run away from someone. I was reaching the last flight of stairs when I heard another ding on the floor under me. I started to pick up my pace even faster than I was before hoping that I could just catch the man within this building to save me the trouble of chasing him around town but when I exited the stairwell to look towards the front doors I saw him on the other side turning a left.         

I followed him immediately turning a left also and continuing forward, not knowing where I was going. The fog was still rather thick, I couldn't see more than a foot or two in front of me but I could hear him running and panting—I just hoped that the fog wouldn't manipulate the sound. I continued to follow the man to what felt like several miles but couldn't be any more than a few blocks. I lost him.

I looked around while turning in circles hoping that I could hear something and I did but nothing that would comfort a lost man. Whisperings sounded through the winds, I couldn't make out what they were saying but it sounded as if they were directed to me—its strange how it works that way. I continued to look around to see if anything was around me but all I could see were different shades of grey. I then stood still with my eyes closed, listening to the airwaves. There were several different voices; some were high and low, others were defiantly from children while others were from women.

I heard a child whisper, 'Should we show him?' and others proceeded like; 'he needs to lead the way.' 'Follow her.' 'Be careful Ben.' 'Leave Belles Dawn.' and the most interesting 'find the patient Ben, he is the cure.' The fog cleared up within a few seconds after the last person mentioned 'the patient'. I started to look around hoping that I could make out where I was and I did within seconds. I stood at the gates to the large building, where I last saw Serenity.

Up next in Listening For That Sweet Tune:

Remember me

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