Looking For Something?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Child: Entry 5

Have you read the preceding chapters?
If not then read it from the beginning
Read the preceding chapter...

The Beginning:

Previously on The Child:

Entry 4   


      Upon reaching the building conjuntioning to the diner I noticed something peculiar about Frankie. He couldn't walk straight as if he was drunk or even had a broken leg. I tried to compare him to the picture of the man in the wheel chair I saw earlier--I couldn't find any similarities. So it was strange that he walked in such a way. I followed him into the building and it looked like a hurricane trashed the whole place. I could have sworn to see water damage in every corner of the building and in my reaction of being appalled Frankie turned around to see my reaction. 


'Ever since I had my leg amputated I haven't been able to clean clean anything.' as he hit his right leg and I heard a little ding. 'S s sorry if it isn't up to your your standardizing standards.' I told him that it was all perfectly fine, so he continued.
'You, you know I haveity have lived here for more than ten, ten years, ten.' He walked behind a counter just a few feet from me and I heard a few buttons beep and the cash register popped open with another ding and he pushed it back in. He then proceeded to leave the building and motioned me to follow and continued to talk.'
'Little ole Suzie Sue--the young waitress you met last night--has been by my been side ever since I can remember, she she is thirty something some. My birthday is defiantly, birth, around the corner.' He stopped in his steps for a few seconds to think then started up again. 'I could swear I’m approaching s s seventy...I lost count count.' I thought this was strange because every time I looked at him I could have sworn he didn't look a day over forty so I brought it up.

     'You know, you don't look old whatsoever.' He laughed then stopped at my bike and responded.

     'Welly well well I wouldn't be able to explain that to you but I can assure you, I’m old. On another note nobody is allowed to pump their own gas.' I realized my hand was on the pump ready to take it out and he was motioning to give it to him. Then I noticed he already got everything else all ready and in seconds he started to fill up my tank. He continued, 'though I have enjoyed S S Suzies company for years now she has been happily been married. The mans a ghost, good luck in seeing him. Im surprised she was even able to get to know him enough to have a relationship with him. Like I said before good luck if you want to see or talk to him.' The split second he finished talking the pump made that click of being full. He prepared anything leaned on the pump station and looked at me in the most seriousness I have ever seen in my life so far. 


'I want you to talk to Suzie before you leave. I’m sure she might have something for you to do in return for the fuel and food. If she doesn't come up with anything I need you to ask her "Why she didn't pursue her hopes and dreams" she will know what you mean and she wont get mad at you. I know that she has some unsettled business with an old friend that you can help her with.' Midway through his intense gaze I noticed his left eye. Though still white and still lacking a pupil it looked as if I saw the missing pupil peeking out of the corner of his eye as if it was playing hide and seek and then for an assurity I know it did because It came out even more and I could see the whole pupil. His skin started to change colours to a pale and his skin started to wrinkle and he noticed that I was witnessing his changes. He turned around and limped away yelling 'just remember what I said!' 

I stood in astonishment for a few seconds because I really don't know what I just witnessed. I scratched my head and I started to walk to the bumbling diner. Walked in and it was as if everyone that was in here before was in there exact same places other than ole Frankie Frank in his seaty seat. I proceeded to sit down exactly where I was seated before and after a few minutes of chaos Suzie stopped in front of me, placed her hands on the counter and asked what I needed. I spaced out on asking if there was anything first and I got straight to the point out of curiosity and I asked why she didn't pursue her hopes and dreams. She stopped every movement of fidgetiness she had and it looked like as if she was suspended in animation and then spoke.

     'That sonuvabitch.' She turned around to face the partition in between the diner and the kitchen. I heard some conversation then she turned around to hand me a piece of paper folded a hundred and a half times--at least it seemed like it then she continued. 'Don’t open this until you reached your next destination for rest, everything is there and you shouldn’t have any questions. I know you don’t know what it is right now but can you do it?' I paused for a second and I nodded, she nodded back and then we continued to our lives. I never turned around to get another glance to see if she was looking but I could feel a thousand eyes of everyone in the diner looking at the back of my head.

Next entry in The Child:

Remember me

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