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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Listening For That Sweet Tune-Chapter 10: The End Of Days Pt. 2

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Previously on Listening For That Sweet Tune:

Chapter 10: The End Of Days Pt. 1

How many times do you need to wish you were dead, to bash your head into the wall, and wait for that sweet tune till you realize that by the first time you did it, you already died? I didn't know where I was now, everything looked liquid-like the walls around me oozed with some thick substance. This liquid was black and if anything could be darker it would be this. It shined with every single inch of length it traveled yet it consumed all light that touched it.

They say that black is the absence of colour and normally I would agree but something was strange with this. As the black rolled off the walls and onto the ground it left something like a rust look behind it. I grew closer to get a better look and it wasn't just a look of rust but everything was rotting out like the black was acid but it wasn't. I woke up in this mess and it just simply rolled off of my face and fingertips like it turned into an entirely different consistency. It was eating through everything other than myself and the clothes on my back—it knew me. 

There had to be some form of intelligence within this mess because nothing could be as selective as it was.      Before I knew it, the black formed around a doorway to show a long and narrow stairway. I was now ankle deep in this odd viscous material and the stairs appeared to be clean—though full of rust. The material didn't want me to leave, as I lifted my feet up everything stuck trying to weigh my feet down but I continued forward hoping that there would be a light at the end of the hall. On my last few steps I loosened my shoes and jumped up onto the metal stairs bare footed. I looked back to the substance to see it tearing my shoes apart into pieces.

I sat only just a few more steps up while looking back to the room. It was attracted to me somehow. The liquid moved like the room was tilted forward towards me. Everything I saw in the room previously shifted towards me and began to move towards me. I backed up a little hoping that it was only going to move a little but it continued to follow me and flowed over the stairs; a form of attraction—like I was its host. I didn't want this thing near me—the second I thought that the black grew angry.

A loud animalistic scream echoed through the hall. It sounded that of a woman but sounds of a lion or even a bear as well joined with the chorus. My body became overcome by fear and I started to scramble up the stairs to get away from whatever the black was. I didn't turn my head to look back until about a minute, till I was sure that I had a good distance on it but when I looked back it was the exact opposite. It looked as if I had not moved a single inch but I knew I had. The black continued to flow over the next few steps and I backed up but still looking at the black.

Not only was the black moving towards me but also the entire room was making it look like I haven't moved a single inch. I continued this for another minute or so but as soon as I looked up the stairwell, no exit could be seen. I stood and held my ground waiting for the black to overtake me and with time it did.

As it reached me it latched around my feet and crawled up my leg but I felt no pain not even cold—it just seemed so normal. All of my fears were wiped away and before I knew it I was standing in the room once more. Everything continued to move up taking my waist and then my arms. I could of still moved but it was desperation that kept me still. I couldn't get out of this mess so the only logical thing I could have done was to give in. I woke up yet again in the same place as I did before but no black consumed the walls or floor.

Everything sat an illuminated white and various pictures laid on the walls of the room. Some of them were familiar because they were places I had been. This tower, the apartment, an empty alley but the others I had seen nothing like before. A lighthouse, a red door, a large concrete building in the midst of overgrown debris, a ship, another city along the coast. Everything seemed familiar yet unknown to me in every way—I felt like this has been done before. The stairway was still in the very spot as it was before but now there was a great light at the end of the tunnel. I looked behind me again to make sure there was no black, none could be seen.

Up next in Listening For That Sweet Tune:

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