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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Youth

I am young, my age isnt relevant but all you need to know is that you may just be young too.

I can tell you that by the time I reached the age of sixteen I was a senior in High School and I was excelling so much that I could have graduated early, but I didnt. I felt that I should join my friends in the "walk" and receive my degree.  Im not one for the spot light and if I had the choice I wouldnt have done it, but I have parents who want to see me excel and denying the voices in the back of my head I only wanted to see them happy. Soon after graduation I attended college for a fairly short period of time.

I guess I wanted to go because that was the right thing to do but then my mother advised me to leave school and slow down. Im not sure if you have ever heard of a parent telling you to not attend college--when they have attended college themselves. So after I achieved a year of college I decided not to return the returning fall semester and when everything is said and done that leaves me to where I am now.

Now im not saying that nothing has happened since then, or that I have had nothing to do with my life. And most certainly not saying that this was one month or even ten years ago but I just have been thinking about youth and what has been done.

My mother explained a simple concept to me, and that was enjoy life. I enjoyed life before but there is a difference between living in life, living the life, and living. You can disagree at anytime you want but this is my philosophy. I dont plan this written in a book anywhere or even get fame out of my ideas but some things just arent touched on normally but those things are also the most important to keep to our souls and they will keep us human.

Anyway I was living in life, and you want to LIVE.

You know I will touch on this in the future and when I say you I mean the spectators of my life. I plan on doing this for a while. At some points I may have a few posts a year. others I may have several in a day. But the long run I think I decided what I want to talk about and that is life and death and everything that evolves around it. This will be a blog about simply, my life. Not so you can model yours around mine, not because I'm some egocentric human being. But because we all have question, some we consciously are aware of, and others we just dont understand. I dont have answers, but I do have the will to think about them and notice things in life. You are my spectators, few to none. But I hope you will understand my thinking and what can be done with the things you dont understand.

We are all youth, we are still growing and not everything is known.

Remember me

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