Looking For Something?

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I realized today that I really have no idea what im doing here. Maybe just to talk about life, maybe just to understand myself. But I wont figure that out anytime soon. and yet I know I have said what im going to do many times before, I am still looking for structure and where im going to take this. If you like what you see now. Let me know. But as far as my knowledge goes nobody has even glimpsed on what im trying to achieve, so I dont necessarily have to stress about this. 

In a effort to see how to do this I clicked that handy button on the top of the page that says Next Blog--or something of that sort-- to see how others do it and how frequently and I discovered a few things. One I dont speak French or Spanish and two I dont speak French or Spanish. 

Seriously, I clicked that button several times and all I got was this gibberish that I couldnt understand but I sure did enjoy the pictures. The only thing I probably could of made out was someone saying "Vienna is perfect this time of year" and pictures followed. I can sure say I agree with that but whatever it said after it beats me. As far as I know the title of the blog could have been "America is Satan and we all need Chartreuse" I have no idea why but but I can only help but think that maybe sticking to what I know is the best for all of us. I think ill post some writing--Poetry, short stories--every monday. at least have a little bit of structure. Till then.

Remember me

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