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Friday, November 30, 2012

Listening For That Sweet Tune-Chapter 22: Dead? Or Simply Sleeping? Pt. 1

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Previously on Listening For That Sweet Tune:

'What’s your name?'

'Ben, you?'

'I don't have a name but you can call me friend, pal, the devil, I don't care. It doesn't matter.'

'The devil?'

'Sure, why not?' I thought to myself for a little while.

'I thought you were dead.'

'Me? Maybe I am dead. Maybe I was dead from the start. What does death even mean anyway? It really just means the absence of life and life just means the ability to grow and adapt. I’ve been the same way for years so maybe I am truly dead. Maybe you are dead too. You know, this world we live in is rather strange don’t you think? Things may be just as more complicated as you previously thought and maybe, just maybe, everything that you once knew was no more concrete as the thoughts in your head?' My life began to fall apart around me as everything I knew turned into glass. 

'Who are you really?' I had to at least know one thing for an assuridy. His look at me changed a bit then shook his head as if something was on him. 

'I’ve been watching you for a long time Ben and boy do you need some medical attention. I once lived in this mental hospital for a decent amount of time and there was a man there who is a lot like you. Maybe you should think about talking to him one of these days.'

'But I'm not mentally sick, all these weird events have actually been happening.' I said. 

'That’s what you think!' My friend paused and thought to himself for a minute or so. 'He has this theory, believes in it to the fullest actually, and from what I could understand is maybe, just maybe, we are stuck somewhere. Like this life isn't real, like we are in a deep slumber and we are waiting to wake up. I thought he was crazy at first but then it started to make sense. All the darkness and the carnage. All the delirium that pulses through our mind. In no way could this be real but then again I don't remember anything being any other way. Ben. I haven't slept for three years. Just every waking moment being some repetitious movement that we have rehearsed over and over. We aren't changing so we aren't living. We really could be dead!'

Everything made sense. The things I have been seeing, the things I do for no reason, the people around me. Just one big lie. I began to dig at my head with frustration and I started to yell at myself. Where am I? What's happening? Why am I here? I started to loose my grip of reality and I may as well have started to turn like my friend, insane. My mind started to wander and I spoke back. 

'You have been watching me?' I clenched my fists and my friend started to walk towards me. 
'Yes. Yes I have. And might I add about the things you do whenever you close your eyes. I always thought that something was wrong with me but when I started to watch you, boy was I wrong.'

 'What do you mean? What do I do?' The man started to laugh at himself and scratched at his head while he looked to his toes. 

'You kill people Ben, for little to no reason. You mutilate them and then you cannibalize bits and pieces of their body's   and then you bathe in their blood just to enjoy a stroll back home.'

'I don't do that. Besides, were just in some dream or afterlife right? No one can truly die.'

'Oh but they can Ben. As contradictory as it sounds, you can kill people here and where they go is beyond me but there is no turning back Ben. You get one life here as like everywhere else. You enjoy to watch the life disappear from someone's eyes and you laugh in there face.' I nodded no. I couldn't believe what he was saying--it couldn't be true

'I don't remember anything that could have happened, how could I?

'Are you ever truly asleep or do you just hand the reins to something else, someone more powerful than you. It just takes control when you don't pay attention and it commits the most heinous of crimes. You even killed a little girl Ben; you need to stop this before it takes control of you. You must fight it and stay awake before you wind up dead like everyone else.'

'So you have been the man I've been chasing?'

'What do you mean Ben? You haven't seen me till today, have you been chasing someone?'

'Yes!' I yelled. I fell to the floor with my hands on my head, rolling into a little ball just waiting for the world to pass me by. The man I was talking to stood over me and his shadow cast over my eyes and everything felt so narrow and dark. 'Have you seen that thing that has been following me? The darkness that's shaped like a man? He's always watching and consuming my thoughts; I can't rest with his thoughts in my head! He tells me to do things and I refuse but he just won't leave me alone. He's chaos! He's evil! He's-'

'The Wretched.' He interrupted me. 'You are seeing The Wretched and its not just one thing, it's many.'

'What’s The Wretched?' I asked. 

'The man who told me about The Wretched is the same exact man that told me about this place, the place were stuck in. He can help you, you should see him.'

'Where, where is he?' I stuttered. 

'He is in a mental hospital like I said before. A mental hospital that's on the other side of the ocean.' So I then got up from the floor and prepared myself for another journey, do something that I have never done before but then I remembered something, the reason I've been searching, Serenity. I turned around to face the man again and struggled to ask about her. What if I actually did do something to her? What if I killed her? I could imagine her now back in my apartment lying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, mutilated, torn into tiny pieces waiting for the rats to feast on her lifeless body. Why? How could I do such a thing?

'Is Serenity dead?' I asked. The man looked down to his feet again. Then looked back up to me. 

'I haven't seen or heard from her since she entered that one villa. I didn't dare to follow you into that building. That place isn't of good thoughts.'

'Good thoughts?' I asked. 'You are worried about good thoughts yet you get into sadistic torture?'

I don't know what you're talking about.' Things didn't add up, was he really unaware of what just happened or was he just stupid?

'The fight we just had, I beat your face up to pulp.' He looked at me blankly and smiled but it looked different this time, no evil could be seen--he had to be telling the truth. 

'I don't recall anything like that happening Ben, are you sure that it is me you are thinking about?' I nodded no in confusion. 

'I guess I am thinking of something else.' I thought to myself for a few minutes trying to make heads or tails of the conversation but I reached no turning point on the coin so it landed on its side perfectly. I couldn't make any sense of the situation and even worse, I was left more confused but I did know one thing, I was to visit the man who claimed to know what exactly was happening. From how it sounded he seemed to be confident like he was here when everything started but what do I know I've only stayed awake for a day or so. 

Up next in Listening For That Sweet Tune:

Remember me

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