Looking For Something?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Amicus Est Tanquam Alter Idem Pt. 8

By: Amy Scheibe

Long ago in the spring, 

if my mind suffices, 
there lived a girl, 
by whose heart was consumed, 
in a trapessing rue. 
She longed for someone,
to inherit her love. 
Heedlessly time after time, 
she fell into noisome romances,
that never seemed to traverse forward.
Again and again she was hurt, 
but there was someone who was with her, 
through the daunting times. 
He wore a dark mantle, 
and his eyes were profound against his pallid skin. 
He wrote words of such passion, 
that no mortal should be able. 
His lips were as a lyre..
and gentle. 
He was vigil, 
and graceful, 
and most incredibly... 
He always lended the girl his hand, 
and although he had a somber past, 
his heart always had more to offer. 

After many months of devouring writhen memories, 
the twain finally turned their countenances, 
towards each other. 
In one anothers eyes they found vivid ardor. 
As they intwined their fingers, 
they forbode a long,
and astonishing future destined by fate itself.

Remember them.

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