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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Listening For That Sweet Tune-Chapter 24: Linchpin Collapse


Have you read the preceding chapters?
If not then read it from the beginning
Read the preceding chapter...

Go to the beginning:
Previously on Listening For That Sweet Tune:

I nodded my head in appreciation of the sweet sounds that passed through my ears; yet, I could not place the tune that echoed through the halls. It had eight notes from a pair of violins da de da de da do da da every four seconds while on top of that was eight notes of ascending piano baum four seconds baum two seconds baum one seconds baum one second baum one seconds baum four seconds baum two seconds baum one second before next measure. Occasionally I could hear a deep drum or another violin playing another tune on top of the other two but the first two prevailed over the rest

As the sound grew in intensity I could hear yelling and screaming behind all the doors to the individual rooms. Everything was becoming hell again, something I have seen many times before. The doors to the hallway started shaking in there frames like something behind them was trying to get out but I was scared to see what was on the other side--it could be something that wants to kill me. Then I saw it. The thing that always comes when something bad is about to happen. The couple that dances on the ceiling above my head. Dancing with all their elegance that comes hand in hand with each other. The man grabbing her waist and the woman resting her hands on his shoulders twisting and turning to the beautiful tunes and sounds of music. 

My throat became dry because I stood in amazement that they had returned at this moment in time. The woman wore a dress of silky white but something was peculiar about her. I saw blood dripping down her leg as if she was cut from something but no limp followed her as she gracefully danced with her partner. Neither of them noticed the blood trail that was behind them as it was staining the ceiling every little move at a time. They continued down the hall towards the door that I saw everyone enter and I followed cautiously looking around every corner towards other hallways.

For seconds at a time I could see flashes of creatures and people walking down the hall towards me. Their faces were torn apart and clothes ripped like their skin underneath. Then the stares towards me, I was not welcome anymore--they made that clear enough. I hurried up my pace down the hall to look down another set of intersecting halls. Everyone was running towards me crazed and doomed with their deathly stares. I looked back forward to see the dancing couple turn into the same room that everyone entered just by phasing through the wall I began to run towards the door as I saw the flickering images run into the hall I was in. 

The floor the figures stood on began to turn a bright red like the ground beneath them was melting from the heat of their bodies. Those who were following me slowed down their pace as they began to head towards me again, something like a brisk walk. They knew they had me, I had nowhere to go and as I turned around to look down the hall in front of me another group of creatures was heading my direction. The music gained in intensity as I hastened up my pace and for seconds at a time they disappeared and I thought that they weren't coming back but they constantly flashed back looking even madder then they were previously. 

I approached the door that everyone entered to find that it was locked as I rushed to find the keys that would open the door. I must have left them in the other room. I took a few steps back and rammed my shoulder into the door but it didn't budge. I looked both ways seeing that the people coming towards me were now only a few feet away. I closed my eyes and braced myself expecting that I was going to get tackled to the ground but the shuffling of footsteps stopped right beside me along with the music. 

I opened my eyes to see the floor, cracks from there foot cracked with heat underneath me but I couldn't feel anything through my shoes. I took a short glimpse to my left to see something that resembled a Minotaur standing firm on the ground. It was as if steam was exhaled from his nostrils as I looked at him ever so slightly. I was surrounded but surprisingly they weren't making any moves.

I inhaled deeply hoping that the door was unlocked as I was reaching for it and to my surprise it was. I swung the door open and walked inside the room leaving a little gap from the open door. I closed the door as soon as I was inside and I saw the crowd that was surrounding me were getting as close to the door as they could. Soon as the door was closed I looked through the peephole to see a couple of eyes looking back at me. I backed away from the door hoping that they would just go away. 

Up next in Listening For That Sweet Tune:

Remember me

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