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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Listening For That Sweet Tune-Chapter 2: The Awakening

Have you read the preceding chapters?
If not then read it from the beginning
Read the preceding chapter...

Go to the beginning:

Chapter 1: A Simple Beginning

Preceded by:

Chapter 1: A Simple Beginning 

      I jumped out from my eternal slumber to find out that I was covered in sweat and shaking. By the time I was able to compose myself properly I realized that I wasn't the only one in the room. The other individual wasn't hard to see, she of which, was sitting on a wooden chair next to the bedside to my right. She was looking down and she was in the middle of a thought. I waited for her to look at me and she continued to look down. I rustled in the bed so that my back was against the wall behind me and that got her attention.

     'Ben! Its good to see that you arrived! I've been waiting for you some time now I’m glad your finally here.' My name is Ben Lamb, I knew that much. Other than that I had no idea where I was or who this woman was, I guess I'm still trying to wake up. 'I have started seeing a doctor recently Ben.' She said. 'He has been telling me a bunch of different coping methods for my condition, I can only hope that I'm going to get better.' I defiantly didn't know who this woman was and scrambling for the memory in my mind wasn’t helping whatsoever.

     'I’m sorry, but who are you?' I said

     'Me?' The woman said as she looked behind her. ' I guess I am the only one in the room. My name is Serenity, you know that.'

     'Right, where am I then?' She laughed to herself and responded.

     'We are where you live silly; I think you have been cooped up here for to long. Lets go for a walk, I have so much to tell you.' I could only agree so I got up out of my bed and I was already dressed, Serenity was already at my front door with the door ajar so I did the only thing I could do, and that was to follow her. 

     As we got out into the hallway, I looked behind me to see what my address was, it said 306. Simple enough I thought. I closed the door and I continued to follow this Serenity. As we were walking down the hallway I noticed everything was quiet and all the other doors were closed and no light shown from behind them. It was like I was the only person who lived here. That’s what it felt like but then again I didn't even know where I lived till just a few minutes ago, so I could only assume everything was in its right place. I caught up with Serenity while she was waiting for the elevator to reach our floor and all I could think was someone was watching us. So I kept looking over my left shoulder. That’s when I realized that Serenity was talking to me the whole time down the hallway and I wasn't paying attention. She stopped mid sentence and looked at me and told me not to do that. It scares her and we need to be better than that. 

     Right at that moment the elevator dinged--first sound I have heard other than Serenity's voice--and we both walked into the elevator. As the door closed she hit the button that said '1' and the elevator began to move into motion. Looking at the other buttons, we were on the third floor and that was also the top floor. There was also a '2' and a ‘B’, which I could only assume, meant basement. I looked over to Serenity again and I realized that she was still talking to I zoned in to see what she was saying.

     '...And its like he doesn't want me to be who I am.' I missed a lot. 'So I did what he told me to do and I went to go see the professional, not like I could do anything else. And the guy said I needed to see a therapist. I've seen him once already and I am seeing him again today. I can only hope that we will get better, can you help me with that Ben?' She looked at me, so I turned to look at her and I nodded. Helping someone doesn't seem that bad. The elevator beeped again and we were down on the ground floor. As soon as the elevator doors opened I was surprised to see what was in the lobby.              

     I should rephrase that, what wasn't happening in the lobby. There was nobody that I could see; all the lights were off other than a few desk lamps at the main desk to the right and a rather long lamp to my left, which illuminated a sofa chair and a table with a candle on it. Directly in front of us was an entire glass wall of windows and glass doors to the outside and what was outside was just confusing. There was fog. Just fog everywhere. I didn't see anyone strolling on the sidewalks and I didn't see any cars on the street. It was like I lived in a ghost town. 

     I followed Serenity as she left the elevator and headed to the doors to the outside and when we stepped out I got a big breath of ocean air. We were close to water, I knew it. The building on the other side of the street facing the building we were just in was humungous. It was a big concrete and steel building that towered up into the sky and I couldn't see the top of it because it was so high. I looked around more and I noticed that almost all of the buildings were like this. It was like I lived in a rather large city but no one was in sight. Not even a bird or any cars on the street. It was like this place was an entire ghost town and I lived in the middle of it. 

     Everything looked as if they were being taken care of. The sidewalks were crack-less, there were no potholes in the road and all the trash bins--that were every so often--were empty with no garbage in sight. I had to jog down the sidewalk to catch up with Serenity again, so I took left down the sidewalk. I could hear her talking in the distance but because of the fog I couldn't see her. Just listening to her voice, I continued forward hoping that I would catch up with her and it sounded like she was talking to someone else. This both made me feel happy but also terrified. I was glad to hear that there were actually people in this town but I found it odd because there has been no proof of anyone else in this town. As soon as I got close enough to the voices I saw Serenity, she turned to look at me, smiled and said.

     'Ben! There you are. I was wondering where you were.' I looked around to see where the other person was and I didn't see anyone, still.

     'Were you just talking to someone?' I asked.

     'No.' Serenity responded. 'I was talking to you but I guess you wondered off, you need to be careful because you never know when you can get lost and not know your way back home.' I felt a turning in my stomach and I could only agree with her. I wanted to go back home. I felt that I have already ruined my welcome but the question was who was offering the initial welcome.

Next up in Listening For That Sweet Tune:

Chapter 3: A Short Visit 

Remember me

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