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Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Child: Entry 25

Have you read the preceding chapters?
If not then read it from the beginning
Read the preceding chapter...

The Beginning:

Previously on The Child:

Things picked up from there. Faster than I could recall. As soon as Ville walked up to the people that were surrounding the poor dead man, Ville lifted his left hand in the air as if to greet those in the street but his other hand said otherwise. His right hand went behind his back-—to where I could see his hand—and took out a small blade from his back pocket but this wasn't the same one as before. This one looked like a switchblade—or even a fast action—because the blade was still in the hilt, positioning his fingers just so, so that the blade can come swinging out without trouble.

I was to far away to understand what he was saying so I started to follow him. At the start it sounded like a one sided conversation as all the others were listening to Ville, there was kindness in his voice and his intention wasn’t to kill them. I hastened the pace so I could start and join the conversation but I picked up from when the others started talking. One man spoke.

'I know who you are. You cant fool me or anyone else around here, you are one of them Morte. Where is the rest of you huh? Looks like no one has your back other than that child of a man behind you.'

'I am not here for a fight, just let me take my friend and—' Ville was interrupted.

'Were not showing any sympathy to you or your little pet. You are on our territory now and I have a vendetta for what you're kind did to my life.' Ville sighed and started to intimidate.

'I am not going to tell you again—' Ville was interrupted by the man again.

'You don't have to.' Just then the man ran towards Ville with whatever he could find on the ground--it looked like a rock—while everyone else that was by him stood back and watched. Ville opened the blade behind his back and steadied on his own ground, not even moving a muscle. Soon as the man was in Ville's reach he swung at Ville, Ville turned to go around the man in the direction of the swinging hand to prevent himself from getting hit.

From there he crouched down and moved his knife in front of him. In a diagonal motion, Ville cut the back of the man’s calves repeatedly. Before anybody—other than Ville—could register what just happened, the man that got the worst of it made a loud scream in pain. Muscles were tearing, skin was being cut and blood started to spray out of the man’s legs. Ville pushed the man over onto his face attempting to give humiliation with the man’s pain.

'Watch your back, you never know who has the advantage.' Ville then spit on the man. As Ville was walking away, he stopped in his tracks and turned back around to the man as he was loosening up his tie that matched the rest of his clothing. 'Make a tourniquet unless if you want to die.' Ville threw his tie on the man and started to head to the others that were around the wheelchair, leaving the bleeding man whither away. The others started to back away from Ville as Ville approached them closer. When Ville reached the wheelchair, the others were a few yards away looking at Ville intently, as Ville put his hands on the wheelchair he said; 'I know you guys are hungry, I will let you know that you now have a option for food.' I looked back to the man on the ground and when I turned to catch up with Ville, I noticed that all of the others were too.

The rest was rather quite overwhelming to me. It felt like a good mile or two of walking in the similar neighborhood as before. The buildings were all falling apart due to the lack of proper maintenance and perhaps even a residence. The ground we were on was falling apart asphalt—all this looked normal to me, this looked just like a neighborhood that I lived in other than all of the neglect. Good portions of the buildings were two floors; they had a nice sidewalk going up to the main door and even a lawn up in front—though now dead. Trees lined the streets but were now withering due to the lack of water and everything happened to have their fare share of vandals. 

You could easily notice that you were entering a new type of area. Not just because the rundown buildings turn into skyscrapers but metal plating began to replace the asphalt. Everything stated to turn gradually but before you were able to see the city in its glory, there was a large metallic gate separating us from the inside world. By the gate was a phone, Ville parked the wheelchair and walked towards this phone to push a few buttons and put it to his ear. As a few seconds passed he talked into the phone.

'Hey, I'm back. I have what we need. Yeah. Him?' Ville turned around to look at me and began to whisper into the phone. 'He is a Delacroix. It wanted him. That’s for you to find out. I found him dead in his house as we were approaching the city. I figured that. Ok. Can you get the go through with commission? Ok, I love you too.' Ville hung up the phone and walked back to me to get behind the wheelchair again. 'Give them a few, they need to get the gates open earlier than they expected.'

The anticipation began to eat at me; already I was experiencing things that I have never seen before. After a while the gates began to open and Ville started to walk towards the large gate, I followed cautiously. A bright light began to shine through the opening crack within the gate, I was blinded for a time but when I finally passed the gates I was anything but blind.

Up next in The Child:

Remember me

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